Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Are people finally seeing through Gore's lies?

Why did Al Gore think he could delude the public again after his first effort, "An Inconvenient Truth," was debunked? After its first weekend in theaters, “An Inconvenient Sequel” came in a humiliating 15th place in the US box office. But rather than acknowledge that maybe people finally see through Gore's bold attempts to further pad his coffers by hocking lies, his supporters are simply blaming Paramount Pictures for sabotaging the movie. How it would be Paramount's fault I don't know, but that's who they're blaming.

But what do Gore and other leftists have to gain from pushing the global warming hoax? Power. As one reporter put it, “By attempting to unite the entire planet under the ruse of battling ‘climate change’, globalist billionaires can consolidate political power into the hands of a few international leaders. This, in turn, allows for a much simpler manipulation of currency and resources, allowing men like George Soros to garner an unacceptable amount of influence throughout the world…all at the expense of international sovereignty.”

This mindset has been in place for a while now, of course. In 1988, then-Sen. Timothy Wirth, D-Colo., said: “We’ve got to … try to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong…we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

While US-taxpayers are saddled with about $25 billion a year in funding the hoax, climate “experts” can’t even agree on what the crisis is. Recall that in the 1970s the panic centered around an impending new Ice Age. The proposed remedy for that non-crisis was unilateral disarmament, a call to nationalize everything, and the desire for a UN-supervised world socialist government “to spread the wealth around”.

When the ice failed to form by the 1990s despite years of cooling trends, the climate alarmists needed a new scapegoat: heat (despite the aforementioned years of cooling trends). Not surprisingly, the Global Warming alarmists proposed the same remedy: taxes and consolidated control.

Carrying the climate crisis baton, our former (thankfully) Marxist president, Barack Obama, dutifully bestowed $50 million of our money to the UN Climate Change fund organized by the absurd Paris Climate Accord. Thankfully, President Trump put an end to that nonsense by pulling us out of that agreement.

Nonetheless, the left is still working hard to create their one world utopia complete with the UN as the world’s government. Sadly, many of these people actually believe they’re crusaders who are working to change the world into a better place. The truth of course is that those behind the curtain are working on a new and hideous form of feudalism where there is only a ruling class and serfs. That’s exactly what happens when you give the bulk of power to a few, while dominating the many.

As for Gore’s movie failure, the box office tanking of his on-screen falsehoods couldn't have happened to a more perverse, lying fraud. With his private jet and multiple homes using more energy than an entire small town, his is the biggest carbon footprint of all. Yet his hoax has made him a billionaire thanks to all the gullible people that supported him – and, in some cases, still do. But maybe the dismal performance of his sequel is a sign of hope that more eyes are finally opening? We'll see. 

1 comment:

  1. The George Soros and Bill Gates of the world are counting on the masses to fall for this hoax. and if they dont, they'll still try to cram it down our throats.
