Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy Flag Day 2018!

Clearly, I have fallen off my regular blogging ritual! Where does the time go? The days get more and more crowded all the time, and unfortunately, I have to let some things go by the wayside, like regular updates here.

But I wanted to jump on today to acknowledge a day that is very close to my heart, as long-time readers of this silly little blog may know. It's Flag Day!

Since I was little I have always loved this day (for more reasons than one, as some may know:-) But one of the thrills I remember as a young kid was seeing so many houses in my neighborhood flying Old Glory so majestically on this day. I loved how television stations would announce Flag Day in between commercials. I loved the respect all this showed for our Flag and the meaning behind it, namely freedom, pride, patriotism. It drove home for me from a young age that our country is special, blessed by God, and that we are blessed to live in it.

It has saddened me over the years to see fewer people flying their flags on this day. Maybe they don't own them anymore. Maybe they don't even know it's Flag Day. I certainly rarely hear it announced anywhere anymore. But worse is to see the growing disrespect and disdain for the Flag that is popping up all around. Some universities have even attempted to ban it altogether, while some student governments have ruled that it can be flown on campus as long as it is accompanied by a Gay Pride flag. That's sad, because it clearly means students don't realize the inclusivity for which the U.S. Flag stands. 

There is greater vocalizing these days that the Flag is divisive, representative of oppression and racism and any other ills misanthropes want to throw at it. Now we also have people refusing to stand for it as our National Anthem is sung, which is truly disheartening to see.

But for me, the Flag will always represent what America is, the greatest force for good this world has ever known, and I for one, will always fly my flag proudly. I hope others will too.

                                     Happy Flag Day!!!


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