The anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the well-funded
left-wing extremist group, has begun targeting Christian, pro-family,
pro-traditional values organizations in earnest, especially since President
Donald Trump’s inauguration, and particularly since the violence in
Charlottesville, VA.
Of note, in the aftermath of the Charlottesville, VA, tragedy, the
SPLC's "fake hate" has targeted the pro-family group, Liberty
Counsel, with vile lies that have spread far and wide through potentially
thousands of news outlets, including CNN, which has joined forces in attacking
Liberty Counsel. This defamatory attack equates Liberty Counsel with the
most radical elements of society (including the person who drove the car into
the crowd in Charlottesville) in a blatant attempt to link Liberty Counsel to violent,
extremist radicals.
Unfortunately, major players are jumping on the bandwagon, such as
Apple CEO Tim Cook, who just announced he is donating $1 million to SPLC, and
Amazon, which has just banned Liberty Counsel, along with other traditional
organizations, from partaking in its Smile Amazon program, which allows
consumers to choose a charity to receive a donation with every purchase.
Liberty Counsel is now banned from being a potential charity to choose on
Amazon's site.
Apparently, SPLC didn’t learn – or more likely simply doesn’t care –
that its aggressive hatred of Christian groups has already led to at least one
violent scene of attempted murder when, in August 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins
walked into the lobby of Christian-based Family Research Council and began
Corkins later told police that he wanted to methodically kill as many
people as possible because the FRC was listed as an SPLC “hate” group. Another
victim, Dr. Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute scholar, was targeted
in a violent outbreak earlier this year at Middlebury College after the AEI was
identified as a “hate group” by the SPLC. In neither incident did the SPLC
apologize or even acknowledge any regret.
It has become a common tactic of the Left to aggressively label groups
that promote conservative and Judeo-Christian values as “hate groups” and
“fringe” – rather than try to win in the court of public opinion. The goals are
to demean religious belief and values and to shame and intimidate pro-family people
into silence – and thus keep them out of the public forum.
The SPLC’s tactics against Christian and conservative groups is
reminiscent of how Nazis worked to dehumanize Jews by producing movie clips
showing Jews interspersed with rats and other vermin, to produce the message
that they were all part of the same polluting society.
The SPLC employs a similar strategy using a series of “hate maps” for
each state, interspersing Christian and conservative groups alongside neo-Nazi
and KKK groups. They also use a lot of Nazi and KKK imagery on their website
and list pro-family organizations and individual leaders among neo-Nazi and
other white supremacy groups and leaders. Of course the goal is the same: to
present these groups as all being equally vile. This fans the flames enough to
assist them handily in raising huge amounts of money from gullible liberals to
help fund their efforts to silence and sue anyone not in line with leftist
Not surprisingly, the SPLC fails to list actual hate groups – such as
Black Lives Matter, which has advocated murdering police, and all leftist violence against Trump supporters, conservative speakers on college campuses and other hateful activities. And is it any surprise
that since the SPLC started listing innocent, pro-Christian groups as hate
groups that there have been numerous attacks on churches and gatherings of
The SPLC doesn’t just leave the furthering of its agenda in the hands
of those activists who fund it. A major tool for pushing its message of hate
against conservative and Christian values is its “Teaching
Tolerance” magazine, a truly creepy publication that
basically teaches that true “tolerance” demands the rejection of traditional
religious and cultural values. Because thousands of copies of “Teaching
Tolerance” are sent to schools across America, how frightening to think that
children are being fed the type of propaganda that could one day turn them into
advocates for “protecting society” from "hateful" conservatives by
any means, at any cost - just like the many 1930s-era Germans who bought into believing that they should be afraid of Jews.
The Left knows it can never win the war of public opinion
using facts and reason, so the only choice is to lie about, shame, intimidate,
and harass conservatives and people of faith who dare to speak out. It’s a
classic bullying tactic. But like any bully, if you stand up
to this boldly and aggressively, they will begin to back down. Bullies always
do because deep down, they’re basically cowards. That’s why it’s so important
to keeping fighting with the truth, because the truth eventually wins - and if
we don't fight for it, conservatives will be facing, in fact already are, a very real and
increasing threat to our safety.