I'm currently listening to the radio while I work, and every time a news break comes on, the news report goes to comments being made outside the Supreme Court today by interested citizens. They keep playing a track of this woman hysterically screaming that plaintiff "Hobby Lobby does not have the right to make my health decisions for me!"
Another man they let speak said the case is about "a few boardroom zealots who want to stand in the way of equality for everyone." And of course, the day wouldn't be complete without the standard cliche argument that I just now heard one woman scream about: "We are tired of politicians and bigots and now employers telling us what we can do with our bodies!!" I want to scream every time I hear these people's misinformed tantrums.
The truth is, neither Hobby Lobby nor the other plaintiff in the case, Conestoga Wood Specialties, are telling women they cannot take birth control or have an abortion. They are simply saying they don't want to be forced to pay for it because it violates their religious beliefs. If women want people to stay out of the decisions they make about their bodies, then they certainly have no right to tell people to pay for what they do with their bodies when it comes to personal choices that have nothing to do with healthcare.
The argument being heard today is whether corporations have religious rights, since they are ultimately run by individual American citizens who have guaranteed freedom of religion (not freedom of worship - there is a big difference between the two). The case is not about whether women who work for certain corporations are allowed to use contraception or have abortions. Nobody is saying they cannot do these things in the privacy of their own lives.
I wish these hysterical people being interviewed and all others not seeing the forest for the rage would realize what the actual issue is here.
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