Friday, August 21, 2015

Rallies to protest Planned Parenthood - tomorrow, Aug. 22 - Please join!

The seven undercover Planned Parenthood videos released by The Center for Medical Progress have provided a wake-up call to many Americans about the gruesome practices of the nation's largest abortion provider.

To speak out against the atrocities, pro-lifers from across the country are rallying outside of Planned Parenthood clinics tomorrow, Saturday, August 22. 

The message is simple. Women and babies deserve better than Planned Parenthood. 

Moreover, our taxpayer dollars should not be going to the nation’s largest abortion business, especially not after they have been caught on tape trafficking in the organs of aborted babies. 

Please consider attending one of the rallies to help raise awareness about Planned Parenthood's barbarity. Someone needs to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.


  1. What a shame you didn't rent a buss to get us there...maybe next time?

  2. What a shame you didn't rent a buss to get us there...maybe next time?

    1. A bus would have been a good idea actually as there were close to 1000 people just at the event I attended.
