The event website landing page announces women are "Reclaiming Our Time" and states participants will learn "strategies for working towards collective liberation for women of all races, ethnicities, ages, disabilities, sexual identities, gender expressions, immigration statuses, religious faiths, and economic statuses." But what exactly is it that these women are reclaiming and from what is it that they want to be liberated?
It seems to me the only thing women in America need to reclaim is the dignity they squandered with the ushering in of the sexual revolution which took women from being objects of respect and honor (e.g. men used to stand up when a woman entered the room), to objects of sexual expression for men who now have a larger pool of available and willing women who have bought into the notion that "sexual freedom" is an equalizer of the sexes without consequence. We can thank things like The Pill and abortion for that.
Today's American feminist-protester woman fiercely guards these forms of "reproductive rights" because she claims they allow for the freedom to pursue careers and education without the burden of pregnancy and child rearing, and because they allow women to "be like men" in unfettered promiscuity (of course, I'm not saying that all men, by default, engage in such practices themselves).
Truth be told, the only ones made "free" by these contraptions of contraception are the men who now no longer have to marry a woman in order to have conjugal relations with her, since the reduced risk of pregnancy causes both men and women to feel a false sense of freedom to be "casual" with one another. But from a strictly physical sense, due to different hormone levels released during intimacy, many men have no problem being physical with a woman he does not love, and then moving on to the next willing partner. Women being women, however, will never be free from the hormone-induced emotional attachments that form during such types of physical intimacy, and so they are often left feeling abandoned, hurt, and used. Anything but equal.
They're also the ones holding the bag in terms of physical consequences. Artificial oral contraception is a known carcinogen, and just one abortion in the first trimester increases a woman's chance of developing breast cancer by huge margins. In fact, over 120 studies conclude this fact, but the National Cancer Institute and other prominent organizations refuse to even acknowledge these findings, let alone push for government mandates to warn women of the risks.
It's funny how just seven studies showing the link between tobacco and cancer was enough to prompt federal regulations mandating a warning on all cigarette packages, but something so bad for women goes unchallenged. Isn't that what's really anti-woman?
It's funny how just seven studies showing the link between tobacco and cancer was enough to prompt federal regulations mandating a warning on all cigarette packages, but something so bad for women goes unchallenged. Isn't that what's really anti-woman?
As far as "liberation" of these women goes, aside from, say, extreme military front-line combat-type situations, tell me one right denied to today's American woman that is granted to a man. To me it seems, then, that what these women want to be liberated from is their responsibility to pay for their own abortions and contraception. It seems they demand to be liberated from others' rights to live religious beliefs in the public square. Perhaps they demand to be liberated from those who live by a Judeo-Christian worldview who refuse to participate in same-sex "wedding" ceremonies. Perhaps "Woman Marchers" don't want believers to be able to preach God's commandments regarding killing when it comes to things like abortion. Or maybe they don't want a man who once said something gross about women to be our president, but they, like Rose McGowan who spoke today at Cobo Hall, remain silent about true sexual predators like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein. Perhaps being liberal gives perverts a pass, while these protesting women demand liberation from phantom oppression.
But what about those women who believe in God and try to live according to His law? The convention website may say the event is open to women of all "faiths", but would women who are pro-life and who live by biblical principles actually be welcome at this Women's Convention? Or is it just for those who reject the Bible's teachings and who cling to every false cause they can embrace in order to have something to complain about?
If you want to find out, plan on being at Cobo Hall tomorrow, Oct. 28, from 8:30-11 am for the counter-convention gathering of pro-life women who reject the leftist worldview and embrace true womanhood and the sanctity of life, as designed by God. Let's let it be known that the "Women's March" women don't represent all women, not by a longshot.
If you want to find out, plan on being at Cobo Hall tomorrow, Oct. 28, from 8:30-11 am for the counter-convention gathering of pro-life women who reject the leftist worldview and embrace true womanhood and the sanctity of life, as designed by God. Let's let it be known that the "Women's March" women don't represent all women, not by a longshot.
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I wish these women would spend a month in Syria. Or how about protesting what's going on in places like that? Now that's real oppression. They have it so good here they are spoiled and so need something to moan about. makes me sick.