Following the news that a confirmed ISIS terrorist camp is active just miles from El Paso, TX, today we learn that more than 3,000 unaccompanied illegal alien minors crossed the U.S. southern border last month as 2015 shapes up to be the second-largest "surge" year for border crashers.
Despite the Obama administration's empty assurances of immigration "enforcement," the number of incoming illegals suggests a different story, as The Washington Times reports. For the first six months of this fiscal year, authorities report collaring 15,647 children traveling without parents and 13,911 "family units."

Although the numbers are down from 2014, "These
statistics show that the surge of illegal arrivals from Central America was
never really over," says Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration
Experts attribute the problem to certain "pull factors" enabled by the Obama administration -- such as allowing children from Central America to be released rather than being immediately shipped back to their native countries. And once released, more than 60 percent fail to show up for their immigration hearings, according to the Congressional Research Service.
Then there's Obama's unilateral amnesty for 5 million illegals. Even though it has been idled by a court injunction, alien interlopers assume it's now easier to obtain work permits and Social Security numbers, says Adolfo F. Franco, formerly with the U.S. Agency for International Development. He's right, of course.
Do Americans really think this issue is going to go away on its own - and do they really believe it won't impact the quality of life for all of us? Compassion is one thing, but not at the expense of law, safety and common sense.
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