Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Don't say 'he' or 'she' - university says it's offensive

More enlightened wisdom from the academic world.

Staff and students in the University of Tennessee Office for Diversity and Inclusion want people to consider abandoning "he/she" pronouns and instead use gender-neutral pronouns such as "xe," "xym" and "xyr."

"Not everyone in society identifies on a strict male-or-female basis," according to diversity office staff, so they are asking people to be aware some may identify themselves with a name and gender that's not strictly male or female. 

"We should not assume someone's gender by their appearance, nor by what is listed on a roster or in student information systems," Donna Braquet, director of UT's Pride Center, wrote in a newsletter on Tuesday. 

She suggested instructors learn students' chosen names and chosen pronouns during the first few weeks of classes.

State Rep. Bill Dunn, R-Knoxville, and a UT graduate, said he thought the suggestion was a joke.

"And then I found out it was true, at which point I thought, 'Are we really paying somebody to come up with this stuff?'" he said. "I would rather see public money spent on other academic areas such as math or technology." 

I'm sure most parents would appreciate that, too. (The Pride Center is fiscally supported by the state school, by the way).

In a phone interview with the News Sentinel, State Sen. Frank Nicely, R-Strawberry Plains, said "Maybe we ought to go back to 'thee' and 'thou' for everybody and that'll take care of it."

Pride Center staff, in a brief news conference on campus Friday, said it is important to know and understand minorities, including those who are gender-neutral.

Among the approximately two-dozen students gathered Friday was student Mandy Pitts, who introduced 'xymself" this way: "Hi. I'm Mandy. Xe." 

Pitts uses the pronouns "xe," "xym," and "xyr" (pronounced "zee," "zim," and "zur."). Some gender-neutral people also use variants of "they" or "them."


Meanwhile, with a hint of five-o'clock shadow coloring his cheeks, Pitts wore a button-festooned hat and a stretchy bright pink shirt with matching stockings peeking out from under a skirt while listening to Rickey Hall, UT's vice chancellor for diversity, speak about gender-neutrality in a courtyard near the campus Pride Center. 

"It's just to be respectful," Hall said. 

Really? I think it's to cater to misguided, indoctrinated, brainwashed young people who have been miserably failed by our godless, corrupt and insane culture, and then use the unthinking indoctrinated to pressure those of us who prefer to live in reality to comply with their fantasy world, lest we be labeled "bigots" and "haters" and then lose our livelihoods because of it.

What's so tragic about this is the clear rejection of God's plan as Creator of mankind, assigning us as man or woman as He sees fit, different in our attributes, but equal in our dignity. The complementarity of the sexes is God's perfection manifested, but the godless want to blur away even that vestige of goodness bestowed upon us by a loving Creator. And in doing so, they want to throw the entire culture into confusion and chaos.

I just hope that, in the godless liberals' embrace of "diversity", their definition of the word includes those of us who don't wish to have anything to do with what is rightfully perceived as nonsense. But then again, those of us who actually embrace reality are quickly becoming an endangered species, so I'm not exactly holding my breath that any type of "diversity" includes the likes of me.

What do you think?  Click on the comments link in the bar below to share your thoughts. No registration necessary. 


  1. Well put, Julie! It’s absolutely mind-boggling that the whole concept of being able to “pick” the gender that you eventually want to be identified as goes almost unchallenged. Who would have thought, even five years ago, that this type of nonsense would get the traction that it has so quickly? I don’t have much hope that the godless liberals will allow “those of us who actually embrace reality” into their club. We’re quickly becoming the “cancer” and the counterculture of society, especially when we point out Jesus’ own words – “Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female?”. Such teachings that show God’s purpose and value in creating distinctive genders have no real meaning for many in our society. But, keep telling it like it is, Julie!

    1. Thank you, Paul! Speaking of things gaining traction so quickly, I saw an article yesterday claiming that elite military units will now be open to "all" genders. When the military gets in on the insanity, we truly better make sure we as individuals are right with God and follow Him. The disease is spreading quickly. Praying to Jesus to keep me close to Him through it all. Thanks for all your comments - they're just great. God bless you!

    2. Thanks for the kind words, Julie. I was getting a bit worried that I was “clogging” up your blog with all of my comments. I was trying to provide what I thought would only be a few replies to a few comments, but it took me too long (and many comments later) to figure out that most of these people aren’t interested in any meaningful dialogue, especially when it involves a biblical perspective. By the way, your column dealing with Planned Parenthood was excellent! God bless you too!

    3. Hi Paul - feel free to post as often as you want here! Your insights are wonderful (even if everyone is not yet open to reading anything from a biblical perspective). Thanks for the compliment on my PP column - I appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. You give light to things the average Shelby Township resident would normally no nothing about or care about for that matter. Gender assignment has been going on for years somewhat in the background. Thanks to you we'll all be talking about little Johnny's sexual re-asingment at our Labor Day cookouts.

    1. This “gender re-assignment” nonsense is now so in-your-face that I can’t believe you’d make the claim that “the average Shelby Township resident would normally no (sic) nothing about or care about” it. Have you heard any of the stories about boys/men trying to use women’s restrooms, and vice versa? Did you see Monday’s story involving almost 200 Missouri high school students who protested the fact that a boy was trying to change in the girls’ locker room? One of the students said “putting on a dress and putting on a wig is not transgender to me”, and she was absolutely right. God created MEN and WOMEN and He has never made the “mistake” of creating a woman in a man’s body.

  3. Julie wasn't talking about gender re-asingment. She was talking about some gender neutral terms I've never heard of, nor am I interested in. Then you start talking about some confused 17 year old who wants to use the girls gym, but it was actually the bathroom. It all happen in a small town in Missouri no one ever heard of. Your making something into nothing as always.

    1. Yes, I know that Julie was writing primarily about gender-neutral terms but the first post made the comment that, thanks to Julie, “we’ll all be talking about little Johnny’s sexual re-asingment (sic) at our Labor Day cookouts”. My reply addressed the “sexual re-assignment” comment. By the way, the whole push for gender-neutrality is simply a prelude to the next “step” of “gender re-assignment”.

      Things that were “never heard of” and “never cared about” in the past are quickly becoming front-page stories. No one ever heard about something as bizarre as same-sex “marriage” a few decades ago, but now it’s the law of the land. No one ever heard of the concept of a woman “becoming” a man, or vice versa, but now we’re told that we need to view that as normal. No one ever heard of a child “deciding” whether to be a boy or a girl, but now some teachers and parents are actively trying to encourage that process.

      Also, when you write that the Missouri high school story occurred in a “small town in Missouri no one ever heard of”, I don’t understand how you fail to see that it’s front-page news. Who cares whether it was a “small town” or a big city? The story was all over the internet! It’s also irrelevant if the incident occurred in a “bathroom” or a “locker room”. Both places are filled with girls who don’t want boys present. Focus on the facts!

  4. In sure neither want to be exposed to eascother. Remember girls have privet stalls. If that's the case and the boy wants to get a peek, that would make him a heterosexual pervert.

    1. Boys should be given access to boys-only facilities and girls should be given access to girls-only facilities. It’s pretty simple. Too bad all of these “gender-confused” people as well as liberal parents, school teachers/principals, lawmakers, etc. can’t understand that.

  5. If Paul ruled the thinks Paul would be happy. Well you don't!

    1. I just wish that common sense would prevail more often. Don’t you? Although it’s good to know that God rules the world no matter how bizarre things get in this brief period of time on our tiny little planet …

  6. Christopher A. JachulskiSeptember 12, 2015 at 9:04 AM

    Julie, You continue to be my heroine. Oops did I offend you by not saying hero? Just kidding. Your words such as Godless and insane are spot on. As Al Kresta pointed out about the gay marriage decision from the Supreme Court, all of this nonsense will have a boomerang effect on our society. History is teaching me that we have to go through unspeakable suffering to the point where God is using a Megaphone before we start to listen and change toward Him again. I take a little comfort in knowing that things were much worse in Hammurabi's time, but at least he knew the value of marriage of one man and one woman and codified it. This pronoun nonsense is a rejection of God's creation. God bless and keep up the good writing.
