Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Obama's SOTU address: Support for the unborn and religion? Don't bet on it.

Tonight, President Obama delivers his final State of the Union address. Let's hope and pray that when a new president gives the address next year, the speech will contain rays of hope for the lives of unborn babies.

No such hope will come from Obama's speech tonight.

One of the most famous State of the Union addresses was given by Franklin Roosevelt in 1941. He spoke of several rights and freedoms that he said all people should enjoy. He spent a sentence or two explaining each, but they are often summarized as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

But sadly, today we are forgetting some of those freedoms.

Freedom of speech for pro-lifers is threatened constantly in the America of 2016. From college campuses, where pro-life speech is sometimes outright banned, to threats to change campaign finance laws to allow criminalization of certain pro-life speech, your right to speak freely is under assault.

Unborn babies have no voice but yours and mine. If our voices are quashed by oppressive laws or shouted down on campuses or elsewhere, the pro-abortion mainstream media will have a monopoly on all the news and views about abortion, and the plight of the unborn will never get the hearing it deserves.

Similarly, freedom of religion is under assault from all sides. The Obama Administration has adopted rules that erode the conscience rights of employers and schools regarding the services they cover in their health insurance plans, and create a precedent that could be used to force many plans to cover elective abortions.

Several organizations of faith have challenged these rules, but the Obama Administration continues to try to force them to participate in what they view as evil.

With these threats facing us, I found it ironic last week when I read a history site on the web that further shortened Roosevelt's freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear to this:

"Freedom from speech, religion, want and fear"

Now, I know that is a typo – the writer meaning to say "freedom of speech, religion, and from want and fear" – but the irony is too delicious, especially at this perilous time for freedom of speech and religion. I'm afraid that web site was unconsciously expressing something that is all too true in Obama's America.

It is so important that in the next 10 months, Americans understand that their freedoms are under such assault, and that those we elect are the kind of leaders committed to protecting our rights to speech, to religion, and to life itself.

From National Right to Life, Carol Tobias


  1. In the last 8 years you have proven beyond a doubt that you hate and disrespect our President, desperately. I wish I had been paying attention to your column before you started bashing LGBTQ over marriage equality. If I had, I would know what you thought of Bush, the president who put over 4000 Americans to death in Iran for NO good reason. Mark Cichewicz

    1. Yes, and the abortionists have put to death over 55 million Americans for no good reason. Grow up, Mark Cichewicz.

    2. So when exactly did President Bush commit troops to a war in Iran? Not sure if you know but it was actually Iraq. You know the place where Democrats such as Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, Carl Levin, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy to name just a few all agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that President George Bush was justified in going to war with Iraq. That little piece of history is so often and conveniently ignored. I guess we will need to throw some of those folks in prison as well. Interesting how you can disregard the murder of 57K+ babies and believe that it is none of our business. Of course women have rights over their owns bodies, but the unborn child is somebody else's body. The killing of children should be everybody's business. How nice for you that you were not a victim of abortion and thrown in the trash. You were afforded a chance at life and thus can "voice" your support for the killing of the innocent. I feel sorry for you.

  2. Well Mr Wokcak that was up to their mothers and should be none of your business. President Bush and Vice President Chaney, that's another story. They should be in prison for what they did to America and the way they destroyed the middle east. Getting rid of Sadam and opening it up for ISIS to pillage and plunder.

    1. Um, Hillary and Obama's Arab Spring/the abrupt removal of American troops helped open that door. Read much, buddy?

    2. Pardon me. The door was open the minute Sudan was taken out of power. Bush is the master who brought unsuitability to the reagon.

  3. With all your support for the unborn, where is your voice for the children of Flint Michigan, who under the age of six and are at risk on lead poisoning worst yet death, at the hands of a out of touch Govornor Snyder? Julie, I can't hear you. Mark Cichewicz

    1. I have never commented here before, but follow this blog pretty regularly. I'm pretty sure Julie isn't interested in "hearing" you, Mark, as indicated by the fact that she never lowers herself to respond to you. Can't speak for her, of course, but she probably figured you out a long time ago, your lack of credibility, and that is why she ignores you. I think it's hilarious. And love how you care about six year olds, but not "no" year olds in the womb. I wonder if you are man enough to watch "The Silent Scream" and then still moan about random cases of unintentional lead poisoning. Then again, judging by your past revelations, it wouldn't be surprising. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gON-8PP6zgQ

    2. I do care about the unborn enough to know it's not my business. I'm not sticking my nose into someone's sad situation that I could not possiblely understand. By trying to tell them what I thinkk is right for their life. I find it equality hilarious that your coserned about the fetus and don't give a dam how they are rasid. And the film is unsubstantiated. Nice try, I'm not into science fiction. Mark

    3. I do care about the unborn enough to know it's not my business. I'm not sticking my nose into someone's sad situation that I could not possiblely understand. By trying to tell them what I thinkk is right for their life. I find it equality hilarious that your coserned about the fetus and don't give a dam how they are rasid. And the film is unsubstantiated. Nice try, I'm not into science fiction. Mark

  4. I have a message for Julie and this paper: A grand jury Monday January 25, cleared Planned Parenthood of any charges and indicted two anti-abortion activists who covertly shot the videos alleging Planned Parenthood was selling unborn remains. Your readers desirve an apology. Mark Cichewicz
