Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Anti-life crowd proves its disdain for the unborn

A commercial for Doritos that aired during Sunday's Super Bowl has the pro-abortion crowd in a tizzy because the ad dared to depict a baby inside its mother's womb during an ultrasound.

What's so great about ultrasound technology is that it gives us a window into the womb, showing just how active the baby is while it awaits birth. And that's precisely why abortion activists hate ultrasound technology so much: It makes it pretty difficult to deny that vibrant human life inside the womb exists.

The pro-abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League) kicked things off with its Twitter response excoriating Doritos' nerve in depicting human babies as, well, humans. “#NotBuyingIt – that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50,” NARAL tweeted.

Not sure how showing a woman who clearly is choosing life is anti choice, but not everyone is following NARAL's rant.

“If NARAL is scandalized by the notion that a human fetus is human, then they are scandalized by science,” Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow with The Catholic Association, said. “We know children in the womb have distinct and human DNA. We also know that they exhibit all sorts of human behaviors in the womb such as yawning, thumb-sucking, and even dancing thanks to tremendous advances in ultrasound technology.

"But groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood rely on a denial of these scientific realities better suited to the Dark Ages to maintain their rabid insistence that those unborn babies are undeserving of basic human rights."

When you have no ground to stand on, you have to resort to denial. All NARAL really succeeded in showing with its rant is that it rejects science and human life itself. After all, why else would an innocent ultrasound image spark such anger unless the thought of a baby inside a womb sickens you?


  1. Putting the abortion question in the hands of the mother is in no way making me an anti life advocate. You and others are unable to make this choice for her. You and others should stop making a difficult decision harder.

    1. unfortunately the innocent human baby inside her is unable to make that decision for her either. That's why people with a sense of decency speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

    2. How is it you feel free to speak on behalf of the UNBORN and the mother as if you can grasp what this mother is thinking or doing or going through. This is not a go lightly moment for anyone.

    3. Curious how you said it makes a difficult decision harder. Could it be that even you recognize that it is a baby?

    4. I never said it wasn't a fedis or as you say baby. The fact is its not my fedis, baby nore is it yours.

    5. So you are OK with killing a baby as long as it is someone else’s? That makes sense. Do you know that murder is not a private act? When one person kills another it becomes a public act. It becomes everybody’s business at that point. Do you believe the baby is the mother’s body or is it a separate individual with its own DNA, heart, lungs, etc? I really do not expect any honesty from you as others have noted.

  2. Being pro-choice is in no way being pro-abortion. pro-choice advocates are NOT baby killers. Stop acting like that is anyone intention.

    1. Julie used the term pro-abortion, not pro-choice. It was NARAL who alluded to anti-choice which Julie deftly alluded to. So what's your beef? It's with NARAL obviously for making the connection. By the way, what is the intention of abortion if not to kill the baby? At the very least, own your position, don't try to hide from it. Exposes you as not being comfortable with your support for abortion if you have to try such smokescreen tactics.

    2. I know what she said, she refers to pro-choice as being the pro-abortion crowd, that's not me. I-not pro-abortion. I'm for what puts the choice in the hands of the mother. How can you speak for both without knowing rather one. Julie is too glib and far too black and white for me.

    3. I know what she said, she refers to pro-choice as being the pro-abortion crowd, that's not me. I-not pro-abortion. I'm for what puts the choice in the hands of the mother. How can you speak for both without knowing eather one. Julie is too glib and far too black and white for me.

    4. Sorry, where did Julie refer to the pro-choice crowd as being the pro-abortion crowd. Seriously, you need to start copying/pasting text from Julie's articles because you never prove yourself. Prove yourself. Copy an exact excerpt where she says pro-choice is pro-abortion. And sorry, but if you are for the mother deciding whether the baby is born or not, and the only way to prevent that baby from being born is abortion, then yes, you are for abortion. Semantics won't protect you. Like the other person said, own it, or stay out of it. At the very least, man, be brave in your positions. Wow.

    5. Try reading the 1st paragraph da. Look at her title anti life!!!!!no way. Crap

    6. umm, Da.....YOU look at her title and her first paragraph. She uses anti-life and pro-abortion. She never uses "pro-choice". Pro-abortion NARAL used the word "choice". No wonder Julie doesn't ever respond to you.

  3. TITLE BY JULIE: Anti-life crowd proves its disdain for the unborn. HER WORDS TO DESCRIBE SOMEONE WHO THINKS THE MOTHER SHOULD DECIDE ON HAVING THE BABY. I Am not anti- life. And I don't care if Julie rots. She will never have the last word on abortion nore will you. EVER!

    1. Saying you don't care if Julie rots is so hateful of you. Wow. Plus, we are pointing out the fact that you originally complained that "pro-choice is not anti-life" and we pointed out to you that Julie never used the term "pro-choice" - ever - only NARAL the abortion group, used "choice" to refer to abortion. You can't even follow your own thought process. It's really in truly unbelievable. You can have the last word - I know you need it so go ahead. But now I do fully realize that you are not an authentic debater so I'm happy to let you rant on your own.

    2. Oh, by the way, none of us will have the last word on abortion...that honor goes to God. You can explain your position to Him.
