Thursday, February 8, 2018

"Mankind" does not exclude women

About a week ago, Canada's Senate passed a bill making the country's national anthem gender-neutral. The original line in question of “O Canada” read: O Canada! / Our home and native land! / True patriot love in all thy sons command.”
The bill changes the phrase "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command." It must now receive "royal assent" from the governor general before it becomes law.
Heaven forbid someone might be offended that they are supposedly not included in an anthem meant to include all by its nature. But Justin Trudeau, Canada’s feminist Prime Minister, is fully on board with the gender neutralizing changes. Recall that just a few days ago he criticized a woman at a press conference for using the word “mankind” instead of “peoplekind.”
But don’t these worshipers of all things politically correct know that “mankind” and male pronouns overall simply refer to humanity in general, not just males of the human race?
But the speech police don’t care. It’s happening even in places like the Catholic Church. In song, for instance, some parishes I’ve attended for Mass change the word in “Let There Be Peace on Earth” from “brothers all are we” to “family all are we”, and in one prayer that has the words “for us men and for our salvation,” many I’ve visited simply omit the word “men.” I've even seen some people advocate changing the prayer "Our Father" to "Our Creator" (never mind that the words to that prayer come directly from Christ). Of course the women who may be offended by these “offensive” words are probably not attending Mass in the first place, and if they are, the priests allowing this nonsense are missing out on a key teaching opportunity to explain the true meaning behind certain words, and the true dignity of all humans.

In fact, any leader, just not clergy, who buys into the notion that differentiating by gender is somehow wrong overlook the fact that such differences lend to our dignity as human beings - they don't detract from it. Besides, the same people who demand all differences between genders be erased also are the ones who call for diversity. How can they claim to celebrate differences when they want to obliterate the things that make us truly unique?
Since Canadians elected their regressive alt-left Prime Minister, they’ve been getting a lot of these unfortunate things. No jobs, just lots of laws restricting speech and religion, government-controlled thought, and unrestricted spending on liberal fantasies.
But there is hope. We elected Obama twice before we deplorables stepped up to elect a common sense president not interested in hogwash. Maybe Canadians will eventually do the same. In the meantime, let’s hope our own country stands its ground in keeping someone like President Trump at the helm. Otherwise our country, in addition to our neighbors to the north should they not turn things around, are at risk for the political correctness, “tolerance,” and endless government control that are the death knell for any country.

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  1. Thank you for putting into words what has been so frustrating for me for so long now. Quite right you are. It isn't even about the actual change in words it is just about keeping people jumping through the hoops with the basic injustice narrative to justify ever more oppressive government.

  2. Hopefully Canadians will wake before it’s too late. Down here we’re still not out of the woods. Leftists have done incredible damage over the past 50 years. I am afraid the recent political revolution in our country has only delayed things for a while until the inevitable happens. Disgusting
